Christmas-Greetings 2014
Peace and ease be in your hearts. This year you have been involved in your old structures and truths and have been distressed beyond your limits. But you have been able to let out and bid farewell to all these scrutinies in the new energies, so that your issues have been dissolved forever. The new energies have churned up and altered your cells and your minds, exactly like it has been desired by us and everything has happened that was essential for the admittance to the new orientation of time. Now we heartily welcome you in the ethereal world and say a hallelujah to you.
Be glad, the last process of the new orientation has begun and soon your cells and your brain, too, will have got used to your new energies, which will bring you transformation and lightness.
Look with confidence to the new age, which will start to become more peaceful and easier by the end of 2014. Start living in the era of lightness and peace will be able to expand in you, which will bring inner calmness to all your cells.
Be full of confidence for this new ethereal world . Let peace flow onto earth and work everywhere, where the energies of the ethereal world already are. Radiate this peace and it will find its way to people, who still have been far away from peace. Once peace is rooted, it will grow exponentially and radiate everywhere in your surroundings out into the whole world.
The whole spiritual world and my Amadeii-energy wish you calmness and peace for now and the New Year 2015.
The message of Amadeii, received by the medium Ingeburg Maria, is free for everybody´s application, but must not be modified in any way.