AMADEii - Messages 2019

Meditation: Transformation and stimulation of the layers of your aura
And so now I would like to do a meditation with you, in which I strengthen your spirit and bring your love into the light to the One.

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Live-Channeling at Organic-Bärbel‘s in Eitorf on 24.10.2019
I greet you and lovingly see how, in your doubt, you are trying to master your life.

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Live Channeling in Bövingen on the 21st of August 2019
Be in peace, human children, be in peace and in the light. Be full of trust in yourself that you will find the way you have to go in this life, that you will tread this path taken over as a task.

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Live channeling in Bergisch Gladbach, 20.01.2019
Greetings, human children. Greetings to you in love and light. You creatures of the One, that you have found your way to me today.

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