AMADEii - Messages 2013

A message from Amadeii
Children of men, you have been beaten up in this year of cleaning, alteration and fierceness.

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Amadeii, nowadays many people ask the question “What is happiness?” Can you tell me something about it?
Be in your love and in your peace and feel, what happiness really consists of.

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Live-channelling with healing meditation at 27.10.2013
released at healer´s fair at bookstore Isensee in Gelsenkirchen

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Togetherness of gender
Be received cordially and look, what currently is happening on earth.

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Extract of the live channelling held at the “Rainbow Spirit”-fair in Karlsruhe

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The quest of your soul: development and experience
transference at a fair in Karlsruhe on 20.5.2013; without healing meditation

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Current issues

Current issues, which become obvious in most of you – food, manipulation and the issue of ancestors.
I, Amadeii, energy of the new age, tell you: Wake up und recognize all issues, which currently cross your ways – be it in your private, job-related, social or political lives –, the whole purpose and the call to transformation.

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Letting go

In memory of Balou and all the souls, which left earth
Be saluted and be in your love. Once it was given that a soul was allowed and able to slip into a human or an animal body for a certain period, so that it could undergo an experience, which would have been impossible in a spiritual form of existence.

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Failure and love

A precious aspect of the new age: the inner peace
The precious aspects of the new age will unfold themselves in all their facets and can be experienced in different learning steps.

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