The shadows of the past stored in your cells
Freedom requires truth and truthfulness. Who wants to live freedom has to find truthfulness and honesty deep inside himself and has to live it. For you this means looking for your own truth inside yourself, inside your soul. Also ask your spirit whether you are truthful and living in truth. Exactly at this time, when the chaos around is challenging you emotionally again and again, you have more than ever before the task to look into your inside and to ask yourself why you are experiencing those things around you in such an extreme way. Why is it stirring up your emotions that much? What is scaring you, which emotions are trying to lead you?
Go into your real truth, surrender into your true, your honest emotions and you will find the solution for all your emotions. All the knowledge and all the truths are stored in your cells. Only that problem you have saved and stored as your real problem can bring up emotions in you as a protection for yourselves and for an excuse for your behaviour. Try to find out why you let rule your emotions in such situations and let go your emotions of the past during a process of forgiveness and inner peace.
Men of the earth, recognize, you are only a guest on earth. You do not have the sole and exclusive right on common property of the earth. You have no right to condemn people who think and act differently. Only the right to self-protection in situations of danger can allow you a distance which might bring you into inner peace.
I appeal for you to find out your truth, to be honest to yourself. Start a mental process of change and new beginning. It is part of the development into the new age. If you face your inner truth, you will live in light and will be able to clear your spirit. Peace is the aim, peace and recognition of the inner truth. That is the way you will find your real origin which will show you the way to your real task on earth. Emotions like anger and hatred bring you away from your real origin. Avoid those emotions for yourself. Recognize the importance of this message.
It is a basic requirement for the new age to dissolve in love all the obstacles caused by your current experiences and incidents around you. Do not allow selfishness, stop your fears. Recognize that the old energies of the past which are stored as information in your cells and also in mother earth come up and want to be noticed so that a clearing of old affairs can be done. Recognize your history as a recurring paradigm to understand what things happening around you cause in your thoughts and behaviour and learn to change those current happenings in peace and love this time.
We feel your fears very well. The shadows of the past have a strong effect on your mind. Look for the truth in what you think and say. Feel into these emotions, have the courage to find your truth, then peace and further development will be your reward. You do not have to be afraid. The old energies come up to be worked on and then to be let go in love. Look deeply into yourself, be honest with that and you will see the solutions. Have the courage to do it like that. Trust in the intention behind the things that happened in the past and that will happen in the future. Go into the truth. Recognize, and the new era will change you at heart so that the new age can begin for you.
Here my appeal from 1999 demonstrates its high significance: Awake, recognize the time, start to change until you are the future.
Trust in your inner truth.
Further information: there will be an Amadeii-workshop in Bonn on this topic, Friday, 6.11.2015, 15.00 – 21.00
The message of Amadeii, received by the medium Ingeburg Maria, is free for everybody´s application, but must not be modified in any way.